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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Heer, Nicholas, "The Priority of Reason in the Interpretation of Scripture: Ibn Taymīyah and the Mutakallimūn." In Literary Heritage of Classical Islam: Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of James A. Bellamy. Edited by Mir, Mustansir. 181-195. Princeton: Darwin Press, 1993.
Notes: Review see Sells.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah/Scholarship
2. Heer, Nicholas, "Ibn Taymiyah's Empiricism." In A Way Prepared: Essays on Islamic Culture in Honor of Richard Bayly Winder. Edited by Kazemi, Farhad//McChesney, R. D.. 109-115. New York: New York University Press, 1988.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Taymiyah



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